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Bonds Eternal Page 6

  They wasted no time when they were all stripped bare at last. As the three lovers took turns kissing one another with nearly desperate hunger, Liandrya shifted back down onto her back while Dorlyn and Vylkur each turned onto their sides. The two men acted as one as they each slid a hand down between Liandrya’s already quivering legs and began stroking her. Gasping and whimpering wantonly as her entire body began undulating under the ministrations of her beloved mates, Liandrya’s own hands each gripped the pulsating manhood’s resting against her thighs and began stroking them in time with the rhythm of Dorlyn and Vylkur’s hands.

  As Liandrya gently squeezed the two throbbing members in her hands in between languid strokes and sensual caresses of her thumbs to the moistened tips, Dorlyn and Vylkur took turns between stroking Liandrya’s sensitive nub and penetrating her molten, sopping core with their fingers. The room was filled with the erotic, wordless vocalization of their building pleasure, and the smell of arousal was heavy in the air as the amorous trio reaffirmed their union and bond. Liandrya’s back arched, and she cried out in ecstasy when both Dorlyn and Vylkur leaned down and suckled her pink, erect nipples into their mouths while thrusting into her hands.

  Gently gripping Liandrya’s nipple between his teeth, Dorlyn rapidly flicked his tongue over the pert bud as his fingers stroked and lightly pinched the swollen nub between her legs. Vylkur, for his part, had released Liandrya’s nipple in favor of trailing nipping kissed up the side of her neck so he could nibble along the shell of her pointed ear as he thrust into Liandrya’s slick sheath with three fingers.

  “Never forget that you belong to us every bit as much as we belong to you, my love,” Vylkur whispered into Liandrya’s ear as he hooked his fingers within her and meticulously stroked the small bundle of nerves that he knew would send the ginger beauty over the edge.

  “Never...ever!” Liandrya mewled mere moments before she threw her head act with a wordless cry of release as her inner walls squeezed and spasmed around Vylkur’s fingers.

  Vylkur slowly drew his fingers out of Liandrya and held them up between Dorlyn and himself. His dark fingers were utterly coated and glistening with Liandrya’s juices, and he and Dorlyn wasted no time in licking them clean before kissing each other and then kissing their woman deeply in turn while gently batting her hands away.

  It was time.

  “Who shall have her first?” Vylkur asked huskily.

  “You,” Dorlyn said with a smile.

  Vylkur nodded with a grin. “On your back then,” he growled softly before kissing Liandrya hungrily while pulling her up into a seated position so Dorlyn would have room to maneuver. “You know what to do,” he whispered against Liandrya’s lips once Dorlyn was in position.

  Liandrya smiled and licked her lips. “I certainly do,” she purred before shifting and turning around, so she was facing Dorlyn on her knees. She then moved between Dorlyn’s legs and lowered herself down onto her elbows, so her pert, shapely bottom rose up into the air.

  Not once did Liandrya’s gaze waver from Dorlyn’s as she slowly ran her tongue down the length of his flawless manhood only to then nuzzle into the nest of auburn curls at the base. She smiled as her lover shivered and moaned in response, and her eyes fluttered closed in delight when Dorlyn gently tangled his fingers into her hair. Running her tongue slowly up the underside of Dorlyn’s length, Liandrya swirled it around the belled head which she then reverently kissed before opening her mouth and taking Dorlyn into her mouth inch by inch.

  Every pleasured groan made Liandrya’s heart skip and race, but it was not until Vylkur positioned himself behind her and teased them both by brushing the head of his straining length against her soaked slit that Liandrya shivered and mewled in wanton need. She was presenting to Vylkur perfectly, and as she took Dorlyn carefully down her throat, she ached to be filled by her other lover as well.

  Dorlyn’s fingers tightened in Liandrya’s hair as he watched her take his entire manhood into her mouth with practiced skill, and he groaned deeply when she moaned and swallowed. “Gods, I have missed this,” he growled as he shifted his gaze to now take in the sight of Vylkur behind their half-elf. Their eyes met and remained locked upon the other as the dark elf penetrated Liandrya to the hilt with one thrust. He smiled widely at Liandrya’s stifled cry of ecstasy. “It would seem our beautiful vixen has missed this as well,” he purred approvingly while massaging Liandrya’s scalp

  “As have I,” Vylkur growled with a lustful smile as he gripped Liandrya’s hips firmly and began taking her with hard, deep thrusts. His eyes fluttered closed, and he groaned loudly in delight as Liandrya’s inner walls tightened intermittently around his manhood. “Gods, yes,” he husked breathlessly as he watched the euphoria dance over Dorlyn’s handsome face as Liandrya eagerly worshipped him with her mouth.

  Liandrya was in utter ecstasy! She trusted her two mates implicitly, and there was nothing she enjoyed more than being filled by both of her men at once. She utterly loved belonging to the both of them, and her body could never contain its joy during moments like these. Liandrya could feel her juices dripping freely down her inner thighs as Vylkur pounded her mercilessly from behind, and blissful tears welled up in her eyes as the sounds of unbridled delight flowed from both her beloveds. Euphoria coursed through every inch of her as Vylkur threw his head back with a shout of ecstasy and filled her waiting womb with his seed, and Liandrya dug her nails into Dorlyn’s hips as she climaxed for the second time and continued to suck and swallow his long manhood.

  Vylkur was awash in unadulterated ecstasy, and he wrapped his arms around Liandrya’s waist while stilling his movements so not a drop of his seed escaped his beloved woman as her inner walls greedily milked him dry. He left a multitude of kisses over Liandrya’s shoulders and neck before slowly pulling out of her once he had given her his last drop, and then he gently pulled his lady-love off of Dorlyn so he could kiss her deeply. He groaned in delight when he tasted a few drops of his mate’s seed upon Liandrya’s tongue before pulling away so Dorlyn could finally have his turn with their woman.

  Liandrya did not disappoint, and straddled Dorlyn immediately to take him into her completely even while she was still in the grips of her orgasm. She knew the wood elf would not last much longer in his heightened state of arousal, and she was determined to relish however long she was able to have Dorlyn inside of her. He was longer than Vylkur and thereby reached places inside of her that the dark elf could not. Liandrya threw her head back with a wordless, euphoric cry as she began riding Dorlyn like a prized stallion. Her hands pressed against his smooth chest, and she threw her head back with a wordless scream as her orgasm was drawn out even as the third was already coiling tightly within her.

  Dorlyn gripped Liandrya’s hips tightly in his hands, and he watched hypnotized as her soft, perfectly round breasts bounced in time with her movements as he thrust up wildly into her. The half-elf’s entire body was flushed and glowing, and her long, ginger hair was wild and disheveled as she stared down at him with eyes so full of lust that they had darkened from blue to a deep violet.

  Gods, she was beautiful!

  Dorlyn became unhinged when he watched Vylkur draw close to them both and claim her lips hungrily while thrusting out with his hips so that his softening length was within Dorlyn’s reach. The wood elf did not disappoint, and he eagerly propped himself up so he could take Vylkur into his mouth and suck him clean. He groaned unabashedly as the flavors of his two lovers mingled together on his tongue before he finally could no longer hold out.

  Dorlyn’s grip on Liandrya’s hips became bruising as he held her down against him and filled her with his seed. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and his toes curled as Liandrya’s inner walls milked him through every powerful spurt. Liandrya’s scream of ecstasy was music to Dorlyn’s ears as she climaxed yet again before her entire, trembling body went limp...completely spent. Dorlyn held her close for several moments and lovingly rubbed her back while nuzzling into her hair.

  After a few moments more, both he and Vylkur carefully eased Liandrya off, so she was lying on the bed once more. They gently positioned her on her side before taking up their own positions on either side of her. Dorlyn pressed against Liandrya’s back and held her close within the curve of his larger body while Vylkur took up his usual place in front of Liandrya. All three bodies fit perfectly within the curve of the other, and trembling legs tangled and intertwined together as Dorlyn pulled the blankets up to cover their sweat-slicked frames.

  Liandrya wrapped an arm around Vylkur, while kissing his shoulder, and Dorlyn did the same with her. Already, she could feel the pull of sleep, and she knew it would not take long for her sated lovers to follow her into slumber as well.

  “I love you,” Liandrya whispered as her eyes began drifting closed.

  “And we love you,” Vylkur murmured with a lazy smile as he watched the shadows cast upon the wall by the fire in the hearth.

  “Deeply,” Dorlyn added before kissing the top of Liandrya’s head.

  “Life is good,” Vylkur mumbled before allowing sleep to claim him as he laced his fingers through Liandrya’s.

  Dorlyn smiled and slowly exhaled as his eyes fluttered closed. “Good, indeed.”


  On a hill a mile or so outside the gates of Lehnos, Morkessa stood beneath a tree. She was oblivious to the storm even as it whipped her long, raven tresses across her dark grey face. Her skin and hair were vastly different from the rest of her kind, and it was the direct result of her having battled a powerful warlock who was several centuries her senior...and won. Her left eye had also paid the price and was completely red in its entirety.

  Morkessa could have used magic of glamour and illusion in order to return herself to her once flawless beauty, but she believed that doing such a thing would only diminish her accomplishment. She did not even wear an eyepatch over her blood-blinded eye. Instead, she wore the aberrations to her appearance like a badge of honor, for they spoke silently of her strength and power. They were marks of great pride for her, and she was highly revered among her people because of them.

  But none of that mattered in this moment.

  Morkessa’s remaining violet eye peered through the darkness of the tempest to the flickering lights that were barely visible amidst the sheets of rain. Her quarry was behind the safety of those thick walls, and that truth prompted Morkessa to clench her slender hands into tight fists as she turned and marched directly into the encampment of orcs.

  “That half-breed ranger was weary from her journey, and you pathetic beasts and your brethren still could not take the mask from her,” she snarled as she levitated atop a large boulder so she could regard the band of hulking, pig-nosed creatures. “If you believe I will pay you the negotiated fee, you are sorely mistaken.”

  The orcs snarled and growled collectively in anger.

  Morkessa was not intimidated, and the air around her crackled and popped with powerful magic. “You have failed me for the last time!” She raised her hands above her head and called forth a plague of boils that ravaged the band of orcs with quicksilver virulence. Within moments, a smile played over the warlock’s sensual lips as the agonizing screams of the orcs being eaten alive by disease reached her ears. “Yes! Such is the fate of all who fail me!” She threw her head back with a cackle of malicious glee.

  When the final orc fell dead into an oozing puddle of flesh, Morkessa turned her attention back to the city. Though the decimation of the orcs had eased her anger a small amount, a great deal of it still remained.

  After many years of study and research, Morkessa’s efforts had finally come to fruition when she had determined that all the stories and legends surrounding the Mask of Essence were all true. Through all of her obsessive research, she had managed to narrow down the possible location to three ruins.

  The next difficult task was hiring someone to do the digging and heavy lifting.

  At first glance, it should have been easy enough to find a mercenary willing to spend the time needed to explore the three leads provided to them, and in reality, it was an easy task. The difficulty came from finding a mercenary that was quick and nimble enough for any traps they would encounter in the ruins, as well as trustworthy enough to not simply pocket the mask. That left dark elves, goblins, and orcs right out. Wood elves would never do business with a dark elf, and most mortal mercenaries lacked the speed, precision, and agility required for the job. However, just when the warlock was ready to take her chances with either the dark elf or human mercenaries that crossed her path, the gods seemingly smiled upon her in the presentation of a female half-elf.

  Doing her due diligence, Morkessa looked into the half-elf called Liandrya. Every account given of the half-elf did nothing but sing her praises. Not once had she stolen from a client, and she always saw a job through to the end. Liandrya was perfect. Graced with elven nimbleness and speed, yet possessing none of their rigidity, Liandrya was completely, and utterly perfect for Morkessa’s needs.

  At least, that had been what Morkessa had thought.

  Morkessa had not expected the reportedly reliable and trustworthy Liandrya to steal the mask from her...but steal it, she had. Morkessa knew the traitorous half-breed had stolen the mask from her, because her familiar, whom she had enlisted to discreetly keep watch over Liandrya, had reported that the half-elf had departed the final ruin with the mask without contacting Morkessa by way of the blood crystal she had given her. In fact, her familiar had reported back to Morkessa that the lying half-breed had thrown the blood crystal away.

  Morkessa had been enraged.

  Having had no plan to kill Liandrya in the beginning—after all, a good and trustworthy mercenary was hard to come by—Morkessa became determined to see the half-breed dead now. She did not simply wish Liandrya killed, she wanted her utterly decimated, and so she hired an infamously savage band of orcs to hunt the half-elf down and slay her.

  Time and time again, they failed.

  Well, no more. No more would Morkessa delegate the task out to others. The time had come for her to do it herself, for surely, that would be the only way the task would be done correctly. The warlock scowled deeply and shook her head. To think that she had come so close to finally having the Mask of Essence in her possession, only to have to slip through her fingers…

  It was unacceptable!

  The familiar hissing noise coupled by the sound of multiple legs moving through the tall grass drew Morkessa’s attention, and she turned her head to the left before looking down. She smiled upon seeing Shadowalker, her arachnid familiar that stood at the same level as her knee. Morkessa bent down enough to allow her to run an affectionate hand over the spider’s bristly back, and her smile only grew when Shadowalker purred with delight.

  “Go, my darling,” Morkessa instructed while pointing to the city. She then shrank Shadowalker down to a more discrete size, and then made him invisible for good measure. “Find out what that half-breed means to do with my mask. Be my eyes and ears, and I will wait for you here.” She gave the spider a light pat. “Remember to keep to the shadows, my dear. Your invisibility will waver in the light.”

  Shadowalker hissed in reply before scurrying off into the night.


  When Dorlyn awoke early the next morning, it was with a ravenous hunger in his belly. It was then that he remembered that he had not eaten the previous night, and the memory as to why prompted him to smile as he nuzzled into the soft, ginger hair that smelled strongly of Vylkur, Liandrya, and himself.

  “Worth it,” he mumbled with his smile still in place as he slowly opened his eyes before yawning. Liandrya slept trustingly nestled into his side, but Dorlyn saw that Vylkur’s side of the bed was vacant. He was not surprised. In all the centuries they had been together, his life mate had always been an early riser; and, the delicious smells wafting up from the kitchen below alerted the wood elf as to Vylkur’s whereabouts.

  “What’s worth it?” Liandrya asked slee
pily before yawning. Her eyes were still closed, and she was in no hurry to move from either the warmth of Dorlyn’s body or the bed.

  “Waking up hungry as a result of my forgetting to eat last night,” Dorlyn replied with a small chuckle while rubbing Liandrya’s back in attempts to urge her awake further. “The alternative to eating was simply much more enticing.”

  Liandrya grinned and giggled while opening her eyes halfway. “I’m flattered,” she purred before softly brushing her lips against Dorlyn’s in a silent good morning.

  When their lips parted, Liandrya frowned as the memory of her arduous journey pushed its way to the front of her mind. With her body now rested, and the overwhelming pull of lust now passed, the memory of her harrowing and perilous journey was impossible to ignore.